Jun 29, 2008
Jun 26, 2008
クメール人の家 高床造り
クメール人の家は長方形の小さな塚の上に建てるのが慣例です。そこに、柱を建てます。床は柱に極めて簡単に取り付けられるだけで、屋根組や壁も柱に接合されています。柱と柱の間は、地面から2mくらいの高さで、丸太が支えています。この丸太が、床または割板を支えているのです。かつて、この柱は掘立柱で、その穴を掘る為に、穴掘り人を選ぶための儀式が行われたそうです。柱の材質は、ソクローム、プチェック、トラーチュ、チリックあるいはクロコッなどが用いられ、ごく稀にトバェン、クロン、チュロモッ、スロラオなどが用いられています。また、用材の伐採の時にも、柱の選定のための儀式や相談があり、禁止事項もあるそうです。柱の数は、12本の場合が多く(3本4列)、家が大きくなるに従って、3の倍数か4の倍数で増えていきます。そのうち、何本かの柱だけが、高い場合があります。12本の柱のうち、4本がおおきく、8本が小さい場合は、「ノロノン」と呼ばれる形式となります。 クメール人の家は、高床式なので、階段を登らなければなりません。その階段の数は、5,7,9段といった奇数で、偶数はその家の主人に不幸をもたらすといわれています。高床の下の空間は、畜舎、鶏舎、物置、あるいは作業場として利用されます。畜舎の場合、夜、牛が繋がれ、ここには割竹で作った長方形の飼槽が備え付けられています。農具、牛車、時としては小船などの物置となります。手工業地帯では、ここを作業場にして、機織や陶器(コンポン・チュナン)やざるなどをつくっています。ここは、農民の財産のすべてが置かれる場所なのです。
高床式の典型的なクメールの住居です。だいたい2mくらいの高さの部分に床があります。柱は3本4列で、正面に9段からなる階段があります。来客があったときは、高床の下の空間を使用します。 ちなみに、この家には、電気も水道もガスもなにもありません。炊事は薪で、水は貯めたものを使用します。このように自然に囲まれて、広い土地を有している家は、とても衛生的に保つことが出来るので、快適かつ健康的に生活することが出来ます。
ここに写っている日本人(私ではありません。) ではなく、その奥に注目してください。女性たちが何か作業しています。また、その横では、ハンモックで赤ん坊の子守をしている男がいます。このように、床下空間は、日常生活の場なのです。ちなみに、この時の作業は、私たちを歓迎するためのバーベキュウ用に、肉を串に刺しているところでした。写真の一番奥には、白いコンクリートブロック造の壁が見えます。もちろん、これも後年の増築で、用途は、水浴び場とトイレです。水自体はきれいなものが貯めてあるのですが、水浴びをするのためには、夜だとロウソクで照さなければなりません。また、トイレは、水を桶で汲んで、自分で流すシステムです。ただ、回りが大自然に囲まれているので、小用のときにこのトイレを使用することはありません。
Jun 24, 2008
Stone Architecture by Dumarcay
I extracted these from above book, which was written about Khmer stone architecture.
Sandstone is a stone with distinct beds. It was often extracted near the construction site. The block of stone was first outlined by a thin ditch cut out with an axhammer and then removed following the line of the bed. This method was also used in Southeast Asia, in particular amongst the Khmers. It is likely that the recommendations of the Mayamata that we mentioned above were used for sandstone. Once removed from its bed, sandstone loses the water that it contains due to evaporation. It brings to the surface a part of the cement that binds together the grains that make up the stone. This cement is left on the surface of the block and forms a hard crust after a month or two. Therefore,stonecutters must cut and sculpt the stone as quickly as possible once it is removed. This is quite inconvenient as if the stonecutters wait too long to sculpt, not only win the hard crust be difficult to cut, but it win also be destroyed. This crust win not reform if the evaporation is completed, which is particularly obvious when the stone is reused. As the reshaping destroyed the protective crust, erosion is quick to follow and particularly destructive. Builders extracted laterite using a process very similar to that used for the extraction of sandstone. However the ditches encircling the blocks were made with the sole tool of the quarrymen. This resembled an axe with a handle measuring 1.20 metres in length. The other side of the blade featured a sturdy head (Ph. 42). After being traced out, the block was removed using this same tool. This left a stair-shaped cut on the face, used to limit the tracing to two sole ditches (Ph. 43). This form of quarry operation spread throughout an of southern Asia, and particularly in Cambodia.
The most interesting borrowed technique was that of the forced chocks. From the middle of the 9th century onwards, the Khmer master builders made excellent use of this as can be seen, for example, in the construction of the pyramid of Phimeanakas in Angkor.
The Khmers seldom used collected stones. The stones of Vat Phu were used simply because the site was located at the foot of a cliff. Construction stones in Cambodia are extracted. There are many sandstone quarries on the Kulen plateau or in the surroundings of certain temples such as Beng Melea. Sandstone of many qualities was used,principally arenite for the great temple of Angkor Wat, for example,but also harder sandstone such as greywacke for the temple of Ta Kev (greywacke quarries have still not been discovered). Apart from sandstone, laterite was also used and extracted. A large quarry was discovered near the temple of Bantay Srei of which the working face measured about 3 kilometres. There is no difference in the cutting technique between laterite and sandstone. However, taking into account the formation of a crust due to the evaporation of water of the quarry for the sandstone, there is a major difference in their use. While, for laterite, it is easy to make a stock of stones ready for use, the same cannot be said of sandstone. Sandstone must be used as rapidly as possible and its reuse is almost impossible for sidings. This fact was forgotten by the Khmers at the end of the 13th century. We can see numerous restorations with reused stones, which had disastrous results for buildings on which the protruding surfaces quickly eroded away. This can be seen in the last operations of the terrace of the Leper King or on the reliefs of the north-east corner of the gallery of the first floor of Angkor Wat. These reliefs were sculpted in the 16th century on a wall built in the 12th century. In other words, the sculptors had a harder time finishing their work and they destroyed the protective crust that could not be reformed as the quarry water had already evaporated. As a result, the work quickly eroded.
The corbels that cover the galleries of Angkor Wat feature a particular stereotomy. Each element of the roofing is cut in a double right angle whose planes are tilted towards the exterior (fig. 84). This ensured,on the one hand, better coherence to the structure and on the other hand, the runoff of part of the rainwater caught in the vault. This technique has its disadvantages as the slightest movements of the structure deform the corbels. The implementation of the vault was effected from two sides of the sections (the great length of the galleries made this first operation necessary: the division of the vault into sections) by reversing the direction of the stones at right angles, which at the point where they came together, were blocked in place by a keystone. The use of wedges gradually dropped out of use, which can be seen in Cambodia in the Bayon (early 13th century) where the stereotomy is rather consistent. However, it seems that all the teams working on this prestigious worksite did not use the technique. For example,on the southern wall of the first gallery, the work was divided into different panels. On some, wedges were used judiciously, whereas on others, they weren't used at all.
Master builders in all climates have always aimed to harmonise the inner and outer appearance of the structure. Usually, between the aspect of the intrados of a vault or that of an interior chimney of a temple and their outer appearance, there are two views which seem irreconcilable. The master builders attempted to correct this difference. The simplest and most widely used solution involved setting a ceiling in the interior space, thus removing the appearance of the chimney of the intrados. This form was used all throughout southern Asia. The trace of one of the oldest ceilings can be seen in Sambor Prei Kuk in Cambodia (Ph. 35) in the octagonal towers. Sandstone hooks inserted in the brick walls of the towers supported a ceiling.
Jun 23, 2008
Jun 22, 2008
Kompong Som
How I envy you!
I want to go together, but the term I will not leave Japan yet. I arrange my itinerary by oneself. I will arrive to Phnom Penh on July 10, because I have a seminer on July 9. I have regreted that I will not accompany him.
But I have a plan.
If I have a time in next August, I want to go Kompong Som with a Cambodian friend that lives in Phnom Penh. The bus fare from Phnom Penh to Kompong Som is around $8. It's very good price I think.
And more, I have many another plan at Phnom Penh, only for the person.
I cannot wait to go to Phnom Penh, I want to meet a friend soon! I think of the trip night and day.
Jun 19, 2008
BBC about Cambodai
Jun 18, 2008
100,000yen get! for Cambodia
Jun 15, 2008
Jun 9, 2008
investigation in Indonesia
Jun 3, 2008
とにかく、英語が上手い。てか、とっても話上手。何を話題にしても、ハイテンション!となると、こっちもハイテンション!テニスそっちのけで、ずっと二人でしゃべりっぱなしだった。ははは。でも、こういう明るく、活発で、さわやかな性格の持ち主だと、やっぱり人気があるらしく、後から来たジンバブエ人がそのベトナム人に放った言葉は、「君とだけ、テニスをしにきたよ。」だってさ。なにが、「only you」なんだろうね。一瞬、そのジンバブエ人に対して”ばかじゃない”と思ったけども、その場の雰囲気は、その話を違和感なくスルー。回りの人間たちは、そのような発言がよくあることを知っているのか、自然な感じで話しを流していた。本人も、簡単に対応して、すぐに話を切り替え、テニスを続行。別にそのような事は、、日本人ならよくあることだが、ベトナム人の話術を初めて見たので、ちょっとビックリ!んーん。俺ももっと早くに知り合っておけば、よかったな。